Monday, April 30, 2007

Adult Education

For a lot of people education is a ladder to be used for social climbing. They have issues with class and self-esteem and getting themselves a qualification is primarily a means of dealing with them. Their motivation for those hard nights of slogging through tedious material is getting another rung up and away from where they were born. They have no passion for learning, no desire to achieve anything beyond a better job with a better salary. These are people for whom mere competence is satisfactory,whose dreams are of middle-management and mediocrity. Too often, however, they become so overwhelmed by a sense of self-importance as a result of their achievements that they are unable to perform their jobs well. People whose only interest in education is as a means of getting validation tend not to be happy unless they are recognized, praised,constantly reassured as to their importance. Education is not psycho-therapy, and while personal insecurites might provide some motivation, acquiring a degree will not remove those insecurities. This particular set of problems is

A more powerful motivation for study is passion. Simple delight in a certain subject can provide longer lasting fuel and greater satisfaction over a period of learning.than anything else.

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